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Section G


Drug Free WorkplaceDrug Free Schools USD#382 Board Policies are provided in Adobe® Acrobat® format (PDF)

Complaints of Discrimination



Section G - Personnel
Topic Title Code
Organization Personnel Policy Organization GA
Goals Goals and Objectives GAA
Nondiscrimination Equal Employment Opportunity/Nondiscrimination GAAA
Complaints of Discrimination Complaints of Discrimination GAAB
Harassment Sexual Harassment GAAC
Harassment Racial Harassment: Employees GAACA
Child Abuse Child Abuse GAAD
Bullying By Staff Bullying By Staff GAAE
Emergency Staff Interventions Emergency Staff Interventions GAAF
Emergency Staff Interventions Emergency Staff Intervention Form GAAF - ESI Form
Positions Positions GACA
Job Descriptions Job Descriptions GACB
Employment Recruitment and Hiring GACC
Employment Employment Eligibility Verification GACD
Assignment Assignment and Transfer GACE
Complaints Complaints GAE
Relations Staff-Students Relations GAF
Conflict of Interest Conflict of Interest GAG
Participation Participation in Community Activities GAH
Political Activities Political Activities GAHB
Solicitations Solicitations GAI
Gifts Gifts GAJ
Records Personnel Records GAK
Travel Expenses Travel Expenses GAN
Discipline Staff Responsibilities for Discipline GAO
Drug Free Drug Free Workplace GAOA
Drug Free Drug Free Schools GAOB
Drug Free Use of Tabacco Products In School Bldg. GAOC
Drug Testing Drug and Alcohol Testing GAOD
Insurance Workers Compensation and Disability Benefits GAOE
Salary Deductions Salary Deductions GAOF
Diseases Communicable Diseases GAR
Diseases Exposure Control Plan GARA
Leave Family and Medical Leave GARI
Leave Pregnant and Parenting Employees GARIA
Leave Military Leave GARID
Employment Cancellation or Change of Teacher Contract GBAH
Supervision Supervision GBH
Suspension Suspension GBK
Resignation Resignation GBO
Employment Separation GBN
Staff Meetings Staff Meetings GBRD
Consulting Consulting GBRGA
Tutoring Tutoring for Pay GBRGB
Leaves and Absences Leaves and Absences GBRH
Political Activities Political Activities GBRK
Ethics Ethics GBU
Compensation & Work Assignments Attendance Required, Workweek; Classification of Employees; Overtime GCA
Employment Evaluation of Coaches GCIA
Suspension Suspension GCK
Non-School Employment Non-School Employment GCRF