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Health Memo from the School Nurse


        With the cold weather upon us, we would like all of us to do our part to ensure a

safe, healthy, and welcoming school environment for all. It is everyone’s responsibility

to prevent the spread of common winter illnesses, such as influenza or stomach (GI)

viruses, in order to protect the health of our students, staff, and community members.

        A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread their

illness to other children and staff. Viruses spread easily among children in schools, and families

with school-age children have more infections than others. By making a good decision about when

to keep your child home, you protect teachers, staff and your child’s classmates and their families.

If your child becomes ill at school and the teacher, school nurse or staff feel the child is too sick to

benefit from school or is contagious to others, you will be called to pick them up from school.

Returning to school too soon may slow recovery and can make others sick. Please be sure the

emergency information you provide to the school is always kept up to date.

        Please take the opportunity to wash your child's backpacks, lunchboxes and jackets

frequently. Remind them to wash their hands often and cover their sneezes/coughs into their

elbows. Our students will learn their best when their health is at its best. Getting plenty of sleep at

night and starting each morning with a nutritious breakfast can decrease many mid-morning

headaches and stomachaches and help our students feel more alert, focused, and ready to learn.

Please remember to pack a water bottle. If at any time you feel the need to discuss the health of

your child, please contact me. Thank you for this opportunity to care for your kiddos.

        We ask during this time you to please keep your child home if they have developed any of the

following symptoms during the previous 24 hours, they should remain home the next school day:

        ●  A temperature (fever) of 100.4 degrees or higher

        ●  Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea;

        ●  An unexplained/undiagnosed rash;

        ●  Discharge that is other than clear from nose, mouth, ears, and eyes

        ●  Uncontrolled/congestive coughing that is disruptive (unintentional) to the class for a teaching and learning environment.

➔ Please consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation if they have

any of the following symptoms: Very stuffy or runny nose and/or new cough, Mild sore throat or

scratchy throat, Headache, and/or Stomach ache/decreased appetite.


