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5-12-23 Bond Update

12 May 2023

Greenback Families:

First, I want to wish every Greenback Mom a Happy Mother’s Day!

With the bond referendum passing, I want to give an update and will continue to update you throughout the process. As we know more, we will put those updates on our website.

Our first order of business will be to finalize details on our preschool for next year. We meet with the Pratt County Commissioners on Monday to discuss an option for the 2023-24 school year. The opening date for preschool will be September 5th to allow our teachers time to move from the ACE and set up our temporary facility to be a solid learning environment. The central office will move with the preschool and provide support. Our PreK will continue to offer a full-day and ½ day option for 4-year-old children, and will continue to offer ½ day preschool service for 3-year-old children. Please contact David Schmidt at the central office (672-4500) for more information. Kindergarten through 12th grade will still start August 16th . In-person enrollment will be August 2nd .

Demolition will occur at the ACE during the summer of 2023 in order to expedite construction. Work will continue with our architect and stakeholders to develop the finer details on the construction plans. Services at our other schools should not be impacted by construction during the 2023-24 school year. We hope to be able to open in August of 2024 as scheduled.

We have an excellent community in which to raise a family. We appreciate the support and investment in our schools, youth, and community. I want to thank the efforts of our Greenback team, our community-driven facilities committee, and our KIDS committee for their diligent work. USD 382 will continue working to make these projects benefit our students and contribute to Pratt being a great place to live, raise a family, and bring economic opportunity.


Tony Helfrich


